
  • Natural Heritage

Wetland4Change in Piran and Rovinj to share expertises on restoration and strenghten the network with the Mission Natural Heritage



Following the Summer School, we joined the Interreg Natural Heritage team and 13 thematic projects for a two-day Communication, Amplification, and Policy Meeting in Rovinj, Croatia, on June 26/27th.

On the evening, we warmed up with a traditional Rovinj batana boat experience, the traditional fishing boat of Rovinj, after visiting a dedicated museum. On the second day, we navigated the complexities of policy and communication strategies together. Wetland4Change presented its policy strategy, focusing on wetlands as Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Our aim is to integrate these practices into regional and national policies across the EuroMed region.

The project’s goal is to engage policymakers at multiple levels to promote wetland conservation in line with EU environmental directives. By enhancing Mediterranean ecosystem resilience, we aim to strengthen policy support for sustainable environmental practices and facilitate cross-border cooperation and knowledge exchange.

During the meeting, we familiarized ourselves with the other 13 thematic projects, discussed communication, policy, and amplification strategies, and learned how the Natural Heritage Mission plans to amplify their voice through these thematic projects. We also began aligning on a common calendar for future events.