After the first meeting in Bulgaria, Wetland4Change team held its second meeting with Greek stakeholders of the Kerkini Lake. This time the event was hosted by the Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (EKBY), and took place in the Municipality of Irakleia, gathering a diverse audience of stakeholders, including policymakers, scientists, environmental managers, and local community representatives.
The initiative emphasized the significance of wetlands as natural assets that offer effective solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The discussions included topics such as the potential of wetlands for carbon sequestration, flood mitigation, and biodiversity conservation.
The Kerkini Lake and Strymon River wetlands were presented as examples of nature-based solutions in action, illustrating their ecological and socio-economic value.
Participants also engaged in collaborative activities, exploring strategies for local and regional implementation of wetland conservation and restoration actions. These strategies support Wetland4Change’s main goals, which are to advance sustainable management and strengthen climate resilience through wetland ecosystems in five Mediterranean countries. (see what we achieve)
The event was an important step toward building awareness and cooperation among various sectors in Greece, paving the way for innovative climate adaptation measures and the development of a Transfer Plan to expand the adoption of wetland-based solutions across Mediterranean regions.