People observing wetlands in Bulgaria | Wetland4Change Wetlands Solutions for Climate Change

What we do

The Euro-MED Wetland4Change project focuses on implementing nature-based solutions and promoting sustainable management practices. This collaborative initiative involves multiple partners across the Mediterranean, each contributing their unique expertise and resources to support the project’s goals.

The strategy

Wetland4Change  - Sardinian wetland

The primary objectives of the Wetland4Change’s project are to enhance ecosystem services, raise awareness, and promote knowledge exchange across the Mediterranean region. To achieve these goals, the project undertakes several key activities that are deeply interconnected.

The project focuses on implementing and demonstrating wetland-based solutions to improve carbon sequestration and flood regulation through 5 pilot projects at selected wetland sites in Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy and Spain.

By developing and promoting sustainable wetland management practices, the project aims to provide models that can be adopted by local communities and stakeholders and increase their awareness about the importance of wetlands and the benefits of nature-based solutions.

Engaging various stakeholders, including local communities, authorities, schools, and institutions, through events, recreational activities, and educational programs helps to establish a deeper connection with wetlands and promotes community involvement in conservation efforts.