Early this month on 4 and 5 November, Wetland4Change took part of the Final Conference of Life PRIMED project of the LIFE Programme in Dràma, Greece.
The main goal of the Life PRIMED project is to enhance the conservation status of habitats and species within the Natura 2000 sites of the Nestos Delta in Greece and Palo Laziale woods in Italy.
The event was promoted by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature and focused on restoration, management, and valorisation of Mediterranean coastal habitats. Over the course of two days, attendees explored key achievements of the Life PRIMED project and shared innovative methods to safeguard these vital ecosystems for future generations.
As the project encourages knowledge sharing and collaboration across various projects like Wetland4Change, we were invited to share our project during a dedicated session titled “Setting the Scene for River Management in Europe“.
Wetland4Change was represented by Stanimira Ivanova and Petar Petrov from the University of Forestry, Lead Partner of our project that showcased transboundary river governance and sustainable cooperative approaches employed by Wetland4Change in the management of the Strymon River, which spans the Bulgarian-Greek border.
Participants engaged in interactive discussions, including presentations on successful case studies in river management across Europe, such as Poland’s LIFE4Delta project and Italy’s LIFE BRENTA project. Attendees were also introduced to the latest updates on the Nature Restoration Law and the drafting process of Greece’s National Restoration Plan.

Stanimira Ivanova presenting Wetland4Change at LifePRIMED final event in Greece | November 2024
“Wetland4Change aims to enhance capacities of policy-makers at local ( Struma/Strymon River Basin) and regional (Euro-Mediterranean) level to address the climate crisis by focusing on developing and implementing wetland conservation and restoration actions as solutions to improve carbon sequestration and flood regulation capacities of the target territories ” Stanimari Ivanova – University of Forestry of Sofia.